JuveXO H - GenoGenix

Activate natural rejuvenation

Medical-grade, MSC-derived Premium Secretome. Produced through a patent pending technology that enables control of the protein type released by the stem cells(1).

JuveXO® is the leader in cosmetic use

With more than 10 years of research, JuveXO® has been specially engineered to contain high amounts of naturally occurring Types I and III Collagen, Elastin, Chondroitin Sulfate, Growth Factors and High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid. Produced from vigorously tested, postnatal human umbilical cord lining stem cells (ULSCs), our serum is pre-COVID, cell-free and organic.

Types of JuveXO®

JuveXO® provides the resources and nutrients necessary to facilitate repair and rejuvenation. With an abundance of naturally occurring growth factors, Collagen I & III, High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid (HMW-HA), Elastin, and Chondroitin Sulfate, JuveXO® yields dramatic results in as little as a single treatment.

  • JuveXO® Skin

    When applied patients have experienced significant reduction of redness and inflammation, reduced appearance of acne scars and spider veins, reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and tighter and plumper skin.

  • JuveXO® Hair

    With JuveXO’s specially formulated hair serum, our exosomes achieve their full potential in rejuvenation. This hair serum targets key concerns like dull, thin, brittle, and dry looking hair. Patients have experienced improvements to hair and scalp hydration, increased hair volume and strength, and significantly improved hair vitality.

  • JuveXO® Lyophilized

    Facilitate repair and rejuvenation. With an abundance of naturally occurring growth factors, Collagen I & III, High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid (HMW-HA), Elastin, and Chondroitin Sulfate, JuveXO yields dramatic results in as little as a single treatment.

Purchase Process**

Please provide a supervising MD's contact info so they can be sent an agreement and research on exosomes. **Requires medical license.

Each vial of JuveXO® is:

  • Sterile
  • Cell-free
  • Ethically sourced
  • Natural and organic
  • Consistent across all lots
  • Chemical- and additive-free

Independently verified 100bn secretomes in a 5cc vial

Over 10 years of extensive research by a renowned PhD-led stem cell team has created this product, setting the standard for future personalized rejuvenation procedures.

JuveXO serum is a non-invasive alternative to cosmetic procedures.

Though it is cellularly derived, JuveXO is a cell-free product. This cutting-edge serum is the perfect enhancement to aesthetic treatments.

JuveXO is available through licensed medical practices across the country for a variety of cosmetic treatments. Contact us to find a practitioner near you. JuveXO is intended for topical cosmetic use only.

  • Certified cGMP tested product

    Product is triple sterile filtered - this means that there are no cellular components, no debris or contaminants.

    Stem cells used for making JuveXO are tested, and free of pathogenic viruses.

  • High quality proteins

    Not degraded during processing and storage; being used for clinical studies.

  • Independently verified 110bn secretomes in a 5cc vial

  • All vial shipments are accompanied by a Certificate of Analysis

    Includes a 14-day USP<71> Sterility test for bacteria, fungi, mold, and yeast; an Endotoxin USP<85> test; and a 28-day Mycoplasma USP<63>/EP<2.6.7> test.

  • Made in the USA; packaged and inspected by Charles Rivers Labs

    Vials also contain the extracellular matrix that the cells secrete, specifically collagen (type I and type III), high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, elastin and chondroitin sulfate, and a full growth factor profile.

  • Product arrives frozen on dry ice

    Can be stored refrigerated for 90 days or in a regular freezer (-20C) for up to 1 year.

Provider FAQs

What is JuveXO

JuveXO is a medical-grade, acellular MSC-derived exosomal secretome product, containing high quality ingredients from ethically-sourced and isolated human umbilical cord lining stem cells (ULSCs). JuveXO contains the exosomes and the extracellular matrix produced and released by our identified ULSC Master Cell Lines.

ULSCs can be prompted to release the desired ingredients for cosmetic use via culture with appropriate induction and growth media[1]. Through a patent-pending technology that enables control of the protein-types released, JuveXO’s ULSC Master Lines have been specially engineered to contain high amounts of naturally occurring Types I and III Collagen, Elastin and Chondroitin Sulfate, and high molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid.

Studies have shown that exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have plasticity characteristics of the parent mesenchymal stem cells[2]. Therefore, our product has many of the same capacities as MSCs while being MSC-free.

With over 100 BILLION designer MSC-derived exosomes per vial, JuveXO harvests the healing and regenerative power of stem cells. What do stem cells do? Stem cells stimulate the repair of old, damaged, and/or dysfunctional cells, and reestablish healthy cellular behavior[3]. They can also rescue cells and/or deliver therapeutic proteins after they have been engineered to do so[3].

JuveXO is sterile and completely organic, and crafted for topical cosmetic use.

Where can I apply JuveXO

JuveXO can be applied to any portion of our body’s biggest organ, the skin. JuveXO is sold as a skin topical that can be used on any part of the body that needs tender love and care. JuveXO is famously used on the face and neck, but we have seen great results on thighs, buttocks, arms, and abdomen.

What are the benefits of MSC-derived exosomes/secretome products?

JuveXO’s exosomes are derived from Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) that are extracted from the donated umbilical cord lining cells (ULSC). Exosomes derived from MSC’s have shown in scientific studies to increase collagen and elastin production[4], aid healing by expressing growth factors[1], regenerate skin[5], bring the microenvironment back into balance (“homeostasis”)[2], protect against cell death and cell senescence[6], improve blood flow, and bring aged skin back to a more youthful and healthy function[4].

What is an exosome?

Exosomes are tiny acellular particles released by cells, and it is how cells send “messages” and “instructions” to each other - they carry proteins, nucleic acids (messenger RNA and microRNA), bioactive enzymes, immunomodulatory factors, and growth factors(ii). Exosomes are enclosed in lipid bilayer membranes which also contain a multitude of proteins and nucleic acids[4]which facilitate the rapid penetration and delivery of their bioactive cargo.

Age, disease, environmental factors, and genetic disorders can disrupt how cells normally communicate with one another, which can lead to a variety of different ailments. Exosomes from the right cell-type can help regulate cell-to-cell communication, bringing the microenvironment back into balance by controlling inflammation as well as inducing selective protein activation and transcription[4].

What makes JuveXO different from other exosome products?

JuveXO is an MSC-derived exosomal secretome product containing high quality ingredients secreted by human umbilical cord lining stem cells (ULSCs) - because this cell type was first isolated prior to creating the secretome product, the exosomes and extracellular matrix are only from this specific cell type. Due to our manufacturing process, JuveXO has vial-to-vial and batch-to-batch consistency.

Studies have shown that MSCs isolated from elderly individuals have lower proliferation and anti-apoptosis ability than those isolated from young individuals[6]. Being derived from “Day Zero” postnatal tissue at birth, our cells are also far more potent and vibrant than those from an adult donor.

JuveXO’s USLC Master Cell Lines have been extensively researched, and are under Investigational New Drug (IND) status with FDA, with a number of research studies currently underway.

How is this different to Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP Therapy)?

Platelet rich plasma is created from drawing your own blood, and spinning it down to the growth factors and platelets. This means that the PRP is as old as the donor.

Being derived from “Day Zero” postnatal tissue at birth, our cells are far more potent and vibrant than those from an adult donor. Studies have shown that MSCs isolated from elderly individuals have lower proliferation and anti-apoptosis ability than those isolated from young individuals[6], making JuveXO a great way to administer ideal quality growth factors.

Depending on the equipment and expertise, there can also be vast variability in the quality of the PRP - which will affect consumer outcomes. JuveXO is a consistent product with the same high quality ingredients in every vial, and a more vibrant and comprehensive growth factor profile. No blood draw is needed when using JuveXO.

How is JuveXO manufactured?

JuveXO is manufactured in compliance with current good manufacturing practices (cGMP), utilizing a sterile triple-filtered process, and is consistent with FDA cosmetic requirements.

How do I know JuveXO is safe?

JuveXO is made in the USA; packaged and inspected by Charles Rivers Labs. The product is triple sterile filtered, ensuring no cellular components, and no debris or contaminants. Vials have passed rigorous Container Closure Integrity Testing (CCIT) to ensure airtight seals. All tissue donated for the production of the secretomes used in the product has been collected with informed consent and tested according to cGMP standards for viruses, bacteria, fungi and endotoxins.

The cell line used for making JuveXO is tested, and free of the following pathogenic viruses: Hepatitis A Virus (HAV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV), Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Human Parvovirus B19 (B19), Human Polyomavirus JCV (JC), Human Polyomavirus BKV (BK), Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), Herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7), Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8), Human Papillomavirus types 16, 18 (HPV-16, HPV-18), Treponema pallidum (Syphilis), V), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV), (HCV), West Nile Virus (WNV), and Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas).

All vial shipments are accompanied by a Certificate of Analysis, which includes a 14-day USP<71> Sterility test for bacteria, fungi, mold, and yeast; an Endotoxin USP<85> test; and a 28-day Mycoplasma USP<63>/EP<2.6.7> test.

How should JuveXO be stored?

Store at or below -20°C prior to thawing. Once the sample has been thawed, it may be maintained at 4°C for up to 90 days. It is not recommended to refreeze. For long term storage, it is recommended to keep JuveXO at or below 20°c.

How should JuveXO be prepared prior to use?

For best results, thaw JuveXO in a gloved hand for approximately 5 minutes or leave it at 4°C overnight. Once thaw time is complete, use or store in 4°C. Mix contents by swirling. Do not shake. Ensure product is completely thawed to a liquid consistency before aliquoting into the individual application container.

JuveXO can be safely diluted with Normal Saline, if needed.

Can a vial be used for the same consumer on different dates of service?

JuveXO comes in a 5cc vial. Post-thaw and prior to use, JuveXO can be aliquoted into single use vials, using sterile precautions. Unused portions should be labeled with two consumer identifiers, and can be stored at 4°C for up to 90 days - for use on the same consumer on different dates of service.

Benefits of Secretome Facial Rejuvenation

The ultimate goal is to improve the overall quality of your skin and restore a youthful appearance without undergoing invasive and painful cosmetic surgery. Here are some of the benefits you can look forward to from this cutting-edge secretome therapy for skin rejuvenation:

  • Minimally invasive and non-surgical
  • Fast procedure that is completed in the comfort of your regenerative medicine clinic
  • Quick recovery
  • Little to no downtime
  • Minimal discomfort during and immediately following the procedure
  • May improve the quality of your skin and complexion
  • May reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and other age-related imperfections
  • May enhance the radiance of your skin
  • May improve the contour and shape of your face
  • May reduce or diminish the appearance of sunspots due to sun exposure
  • May enhance skin tone and reduce discoloration due to aging.

Is this a finished product or a raw material for manufacturers to use in their own skin care products?

JuveXO is both! Our standard 5cc vials come ready to thaw, draw up and use; but we also have capabilities to supply raw materials.

[1.] Gonzalez, R., et. al. An Efficient Approach to Isolation and Characterization of Pre-and Postnatal Umbilical Cord Lining Stem Cells for Clinical Applications. Cell Transplantation. 2010;19(1): 1439–1449. doi:10.3727/096368910X514260.

[2.] JuveXO®. Exosomes from Pure Umbilical Cord Lining Stem Cells Effect on Skin Fibroblast. Juvexo.com. 2019. https://www.juvexo.com/research-studies/. Accessed May 2020.

[3.] Zgheib C, Junwang X, Liechty K. Targeting Inflammatory Cytokines and Extracellular Matrix Composition to Promote Wound Regeneration. Adv Wound Care. 2014;3(4):344-355. doi:10.1089/wound.2013.0456

*JuveXO is not approved for use as a drug and is in no way intended or claimed to treat any disease or diagnosis. JuveXO is produced for topical cosmetic use and is not intended to be injected or delivered intravenously.

Purchase Process**

Please provide a supervising MD's contact info so they can be sent an agreement and research on exosomes. **Requires medical license.